” ….Here are three things to know:

1. People’s involvement in clinical trials helped pioneer the cure of cancerous solid tumors with chemotherapy and the use of nitroglycerin to treat heart attacks. Benefits of Clinical trials also led to identifying a genetic component in schizophrenia, conducting the first successful replacement of a mitral valve to treat heart disease, and the creation of blood tests to identify both AIDS and hepatitis, Freimuth said (Molly Freimuth, media lead at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland).

2. “Approximately 1,500 studies are in progress here today, about half of them the first tests of new drugs or medical treatments with our patient and healthy volunteers. The rest are long-term studies of diseases — including many rare ones — that will lead to better understanding of how they develop and to improvements in prevention and treatment,” Freimuth said.

3. One of the first questions people ask is how safe it is to participate. While there is some risk involved, as there is with any medical procedure, clinical trials must follow rigorous standards to ensure patients’ safety.” -Melissa Erickson, excerpted and edited from her article titled, “3 things to know about clinical trials” @  MyTotalWellness.com, click here to read the article in its entirety.

Well said and we agree these are 3 benefits of clinical trials and why you should consider joining one.   Know that Study Scavenger offers free access to thousands of clinical trials and research studies that are right for you. Enter personal preferences and only view the research studies that meet your needs and you to can start to enjoy the benefits of clinical trials. Speak directly to the research site for more information and to coordinate your first appointment with a simple click. Receive email or text notifications for newly posted research studies. Set mileage and stipend parameters that meet your current travel and financial needs.  It’s easy and simple to join a research study and get on the road to enjoying the benefits of clinical trials, so please give it a try, click here!