Oragenics, Inc. (NYSE American:OGEN) (“Oragenics”), a leader in the development of novel antibiotics against infectious diseases and effective treatments for oral mucositis, today announces initial data from its ongoing Phase 2, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of AG013 in oral mucositis presented in a poster session at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.
Titled, “Severe oral mucositis (SOM) mitigation by genetically modified Lactococcus lactis bacteria (LLB) producing human trefoil factor 1 (hTFF1; AG013) in patients being treated with concomitant chemoradiation (CRT) for oral and oropharyngeal cancers (OCOPC),” was presented at the ESMO Congress 2019 in Barcelona, Spain. The poster can be found under the “Presentations” tab in the “News and Media” section of the Company’s website, located at www.oragenics.com.
The poster presentation describes the methods and initial blinded results from the ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial for the Company’s lead oral mucositis product candidate, AG013. The ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-arm, multi-center trial, in which approximately 200 patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either AG013 or placebo three times daily following meals, beginning on the first day of chemoradiation therapy and continuing through the course of cancer treatment. The purpose of this Phase 2 clinical study, (NCT03234465), is to evaluate the efficacy (preventing the occurrence and shortening the duration of SOM), safety, and tolerability of a convenient topically administered rinse of AG013 compared to a placebo for reducing the incidence and severity of oral mucositis in patients undergoing traditional chemoradiation for the treatment of head and neck cancer. The initial data, submitted in the abstract, reflects the results for 42 of the 71 enrolled and randomized patients across 48 study sites and demonstrates that in the blinded, combined placebo and active treatment groups, there was sufficient evidence of efficacy and safety to continue the study.
Additional data accumulated since poster submission, indicates the blinded efficacy evaluation, which included any patient with SOM after week one of treatment and those receiving a cumulative dose of 55 Gy (week 6 of treatment), demonstrated an overall SOM incidence of 47%, which is lower than would be expected based on historical data in the head and neck cancer population receiving this chemoradiation regimen. The overall rate of SOM was reported in only 13.1 % (110 of 842) of evaluable visits. The overall safety profile is consistent with those adverse events that normally occur in cancer patients receiving chemoradiation therapy. As a reminder, the study remains blinded and individual treatment responses remain to be identified. The lead author for the poster presentation is Suraj Singh, M.D., of the MultiCare Regional Cancer Center in Tacoma, Washington.
Alan Joslyn, President & CEO of Oragenics, Inc. said, “As we recently announced, we are more than 75 percent enrolled in this study, and we continue to be encouraged by both the pace of enrollment and the overall clinical results as reported in this poster presentation. While it remains difficult to comment on efficacy outcomes based on these data, we are pleased with the safety profile we are seeing in the study. Due to the high incidence of SOM in head and neck cancer patients, and the blinded results seen to date, we maintain the belief that this compound will provide a convenient meaningful therapeutic benefit for these patients with limited treatment alternatives and no therapies available for prevention of their oral mucositis.”
About Oral Mucositis
Oral mucositis is currently one of the most common and debilitating complications of cancer chemo- and radiation therapy. The condition is caused by the breakdown of the mucosal lining in the oral cavity resulting in the formation of painful mouth ulcers. When these mouth ulcers progress to World Health Organization (WHO) grade 3 and 4, patients by definition, have their ability to eat (grade 3) and drink (grade 4) impacted resulting in emergency room visits or hospitalization in order to provide pain control and nutritional support. During these periods, patients run the risk of interruption of their chemo- and radiation therapies with the potential risk of negative cancer treatment outcomes. The incidence of SOM is approximately 70% in oropharyngeal cancer patients.
About AG013
AG013, which has been granted Fast Track designation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and orphan drug status in Europe, is an ActoBiotics® therapeutic candidate formulated to deliver the therapeutic molecule Trefoil Factor 1 to the mucosal tissues in the oral cavity in a convenient oral rinsing solution. Trefoil Factors are a class of peptides involved in the protection of gastrointestinal tissues against mucosal damage and play an important role in subsequent repair. The compound was designed by the company’s strategic partner, ActoBio Therapeutics, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intrexon Corporation (XON).
About Oragenics, Inc.
We are focused on becoming a leader in novel antibiotics against infectious disease and on developing effective treatments for oral mucositis. Oragenics, Inc. has established two exclusive worldwide channel collaborations with Intrexon Corporation and its subsidiaries. The collaborations allow Oragenics to accelerate the development of much needed new antibiotics that can work against resistant strains of bacteria and the development of biotherapeutics for oral mucositis and other diseases and conditions of the oral cavity, throat, and esophagus.
For more information about Oragenics, please visit www.oragenics.com.