“If you have a medical condition, being part of a research clinical trial may actually give you an advantage. You’ll benefit from increased medical attention and support from doctors and nurses who are committed to finding new and better ways to prevent and treat your illness. You may even qualify for free medical therapy. Many doctors find that, in general, their patients do better overall, medically and psychologically, when they take part in scientific studies designed to evaluate a new treatment for their illness.
You may want to participate join a research clinical trial for other reasons as well. Some clinical trials need healthy participants to help researchers find better methods of diagnosing or treating a disease. Clinical trials also need people who are at risk for certain illnesses or conditions to help researchers find ways to prevent the disease from developing as well as new techniques or technologies to catch the disease early at its most curable stages. Whatever the reason you join a research clinical trial, by participating in a clinical trial you can make an important contribution to the future of medicine.” – excerpted from Christiana Care. [end]
Well said and we agree on why join a research clinical trial. Know that Study Scavenger offers free access to thousands of clinical research studies that are right for you. Enter personal preferences and only view the research studies that meet your needs. Speak directly to the research site for more information and to coordinate your first appointment with a simple click. Receive email or text notifications for newly posted research studies. Set mileage and stipend parameters that meet your current travel and financial needs. It’s easy and simple to join a research clinical trial so please give it a try, click here!