“The pharmaceutical industry has a crisis on its hands — clinical trials have become exponentially more expensive in recent years, a trend that’s showing no sign of slowing down. Cutting Edge Information found that between 2008 and 2013, the average total price tag of conducting a clinical trial rose by a whopping 60%. Tufts research estimates that the average cost of getting a new prescription drug approved is now nearly $2.6 million. Unfortunately for the industry, this surge in costs comes at a time when clinical approval success rates are dropping across the country (they’ve dipped more than 40% since 2005).
Why is this happening? According to industry experts like the Eastern Research Group, many of these issues can be traced back to ineffective clinical recruitment practices. In fact, 27% of the total costs of a clinical trial can be attributed to patient recruitment and enrollment. However, approximately 20% of trials fail to successfully enroll a single patient, and as a result, a whopping 37% of all sites in a given trial fail to meet enrollment targets.” – Dan Stampel, excerpted from his article about digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment titled, “Why Digital Marketing is an ROI Life-Saver for Clinical Trials” @ for mdconnectinc.com, click here to read the article in its entirety. [end]
Resolving these challenges by understanding digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment is the key benefit and value of Study Scavenger. We offer flat fee pricing option: Study posting on Smartphone app for iPhone, Android, Study Scavenger website, JALR website, HelpCure America Website, TrialReach and Centerwatch.
Our digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment covers social media marketing including targeted digital ads, email blasts, text blasts, Facebook post boosts, while our pre qualification pre-screening process reduces site staff workload and banner ads may be added to supplement your study posting. Our platform is a robust patient recruitment engine utilizing multiple social media channels to drive motivated, interested potential research patients to our pre-qualification registration page. IRB approved Pre-qualification Process performed on line. Only patients who pass the study’s specific criteria have their information encrypted and encoded. An email is sent to your dedicated call center, recruitment department or CRCs. Learn more about digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment by Clicking here to register with the Study Scavenger platform.