“virtual clinical trials, on the other hand, uses technology, from study start-up through execution to follow-up. By using apps, wearable devices and other monitors, and social engagement platforms, patients can complete every phase of the trial from home. Everything from recruitment and informed consent and counseling, to measuring clinical endpoints and adverse reactions uses an electronic process, is submitted electronically, by a mobile device or computer.”
“Improved Recruitment: By switching to electronic methods (virtual clinical trials), it becomes easier to recruit patients due to patient friendliness, but also because physicians can more effectively match potential participants to studies using electronic medical records. There is also potentially a larger subject pool, since researchers are not limited to specific geographic areas to find participants.” – Cher Zevala, excerpted from the article, “Are Virtual Clinical Trials the Answer to Improved Patient Engagement?” @ IT Briefcase, click here to read the article in its entirety. [end]
Digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment is the key benefit and value of the Study Scavenger platform. We offer flat fee pricing option: Study posting on Smartphone app for iPhone, Android, Study Scavenger website, JALR website, HelpCure America Website, TrialReach and Centerwatch.
Our digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment and virtual clinical trials covers social media marketing including targeted digital ads, email blasts, text blasts, Facebook post boosts, while our pre qualification pre-screening process reduces site staff workload and banner ads may be added to supplement your study posting. Our platform is a robust patient recruitment engine utilizing multiple social media channels to drive motivated, interested potential research patients to our pre-qualification registration page. IRB approved Pre-qualification Process performed on line. Only patients who pass the study’s specific criteria have their information encrypted and encoded. An email is sent to your dedicated call center, recruitment department or CRCs. Learn more about digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment by Clicking here to register with the Study Scavenger platform.