Question: What are some of the emerging innovations for clinical trials? Do you see any of these coming into fruition in the coming years?

Answer: One trend we are seeing is digitization and connectivity playing an increasingly important role within clinical trials. The subsequent demand for smart labels based on technologies like RFID and NFC has two apparent main drivers.

The first driver is the desire to improve the supply chain as well as the packaging and distribution processes connected with it. Integrating RFID functionalities in our clinical trial labels, you can program each individual label with additional digital information that might be helpful within your supply chain or even for patient information. Having marked the primary container with a smart label that identifies each individual container, you can increase the efficiency of your packaging procedures for patient kits by automating inspection steps. You also will be able to tell which containers are inside a patient kit box without opening it.

The other driver is enhancing patient compliance to achieve clinical trial results that are increasingly precise. Therefore, Patient Compliance Monitoring Systems will be increasingly utilized in emerging innovations for clinical trials in the coming years. Innovative functional labels with printed electronics, in combination with an integrated NFC chip, make it possible to electronically track the dispensing of medicines and even remind the patient via smartphone to take the drug at the right time and in the right dose. This supports the success of clinical trials and helps to ensure valid data, since lack of compliance might endanger clinical trials results.”  –   Meg LaTorre-Snyder for, excerpted from her article, “An exclusive Q&A with label vendor, Schreiner MediPharm, on emerging innovations for clinical trials, the supply of drugs for clinical trials, important aspects of investigational product appearance, drug labeling, and more.” Click here to read the article in its entirety. [end]

The Study Scavenger platform is very much part of the emerging innovations for clinical trials and offers a flat fee pricing option that covers: Study posting on Smartphone app for iPhone, Android, Study Scavenger website, JALR website, HelpCure America Website, TrialReach and Centerwatch.

We drive subject participation in clinical trials via digital marketing that covers social media marketing including targeted ads, email blasts, text blasts, Facebook post boosts, while our pre qualification pre-screening process reduces site staff workload and banner ads may be added to supplement your study posting.  Our platform is a robust patient recruitment engine utilizing multiple social media channels to drive motivated, interested potential research patients to our pre-qualification registration page. IRB approved Pre-qualification Process performed on line. Only patients who pass the study’s specific criteria have their information encrypted and encoded. An email is sent to your dedicated call center, recruitment department or CRCs. Learn more about digital marketing for clinical trial recruitment by Clicking here to register with the Study Scavenger platform.