At, we read the following excerpt,

“Many experts agree that the pharmaceutical drug development industry is on an unsustainable path. Drug development has become slower, more difficult, and more expensive. The average time to market has stagnated for decades, at approximately 12 years. Research and development costs have doubled, and are expected to continue to rise. And still, failure rates are as high as 90%.

Experts also agree that innovations in clinical development have the potential to drive better returns and greater efficiency. But what kind of innovations and what works? What doesn’t work? Digging even deeper, why are existing innovations that have been around for many years, such as adaptive trial designs that allow researchers to alter a protocol based on interim data, not being widely adopted?

To get some quantitative answers on adaptive trials and three other innovations – patient-centricity, real-world data and precision medicine trials – PAREXEL asked the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) to assess these clinical trial innovations to better understand which ones can increase the likelihood of a successful drug launch, as well as stimulate discussion on how innovation can improve efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. [snip]

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