Clinical trial management in a digital age: Why do clinical trials still rely on paper-based data entry methods when there are so many technologies available to improve trial efficiency? New research published today in Trials provides a case study of integrating technology into trial design for a complex intervention and here, co-authors Cheney Drew and Vincent Poile discuss its impact on efficiency and what they see the future to hold for trial management.
We see electronic data collection tools and integration of digital tools, such as Skype, as the future in clinical trials. They have the potential to improve efficiency and streamline trial processes, something many trialists are striving towards (see this published Trials article and the Trial Forge website).
Future iterations could streamline other facets of trial management such recruitment tracking, safety reporting and the generation of trial reports for management groups. Our experience in the management of ENGAGE-HD through the availability of an associated database was extremely positive and we would urge researchers and trialists to consider how technology can be used to the benefit of all involved in a trial. -Cheney Drew & Vincent Poile, edited and excerpted from the article titled, “Clinical trial management in a digital age” @, click here to read the article in its entirety. [end].
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