ePatient Enroll, Inc., a leading, full-service provider of global patient enrollment and retention solutions, announced today that the third quarter was a new company record in terms of new business, revenue, backlog, and new customers signed in a three-month period. Relative sales for the quarter were up 75% compared to Q3 2015, a noteworthy accomplishment since the company exceeded revenue and patient recruitment goals in 2015. In addition, e-Patient Enroll signed a record number of Biopharmaceutical clients in a single quarter, further expanding its footprint within the biopharmaceutical and medical device arenas.   ePatient Enroll is a global provider of clinical trial patient recruitment and retention services for a wide array Biopharmaceutical and Medical device developers. ePatient Enroll engages ePatients to increase enrollment performance for research centers globally. The companies’ eCentric platform provides a comprehensive patient- centric program designed to connect ePatients to clinical research when it matters most. As a result, trial sponsors can now complete enrollment on time and under budget.