When patients are searching for more information on ailments or medical conditions, their first stop will most likely be Google. That said, companies specializing in clinical trial patient recruitment must be cognizant of those searching habits and take advantage of advertising on platforms such as Google Ads. To ensure those in the medical industry utilize online advertising, fishbat explains how Google ads can help boost your clinical trial recognition.
As a platform, Google Ads has enormous reach. The reach is due to the fact that Google is one of the leading search engines in the world, and although a majority of those searches will not be as specific as “patient recruitment company for clinical trials“, Google’s reach can still provide your business ample opportunity to build brand awareness, recognition, and clicks back to your site.
As alluded to, Google searches need to be relevant to your business for them to be effective. To cut down on the unwanted and irrelevant search terms, Google Ads implements specific targeting. Targeting refers to a select group of people that will be advertised to, based on a business’s desired criteria and their potential clientele. These criteria can consist of demographics segmented by age, gender, household income, parent status, and even the specific device they are conducting the search on. Alongside demographics, Google Ads has the ability to geographically target specific locations that are specific to your business’s interest. Also, while Google Ads is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) platform, you have the ability to control the schedule of when your targeted ads will disburse throughout the day, or during the life of a campaign, to better allocate your marketing spend.
What Google Ads offers that may be the most beneficial to clinical trial patient recruitment businesses is its ability to re-market and re-target. An overarching understanding of re-marketing/re-targeting is that Google Ads can focus on audiences’ online behaviors, synthesize that information and associate related products or previous website visits to your business and provide advertisements to those who are likely to be interested in your service as they search on the web.
To identify the correct person for clinical trials, or those who at the very least may be interested, is difficult enough online but attempting to do so efficiently concerning time and money is a different story. That is why Google Ads can provide the boost your business needs. With its ability to pin-point target your select audience, but also be able to track all the metrics you would need, Google Ads offers the most beneficial platform to foster further clinical trial recognition at the rate your business desires.
About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service internet marketing company specializing in clinical trial advertising. The fishbat team takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs but understanding the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to clinical trial brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.