“A survey of 2,346 pharma executives in 84 countries conducted by Eye for Pharma in March 2015 indicated that pharma executives strongly believe in the importance of patient centric. Eighty-six percent of respondents put the importance of patient centric at >= 8 out of 10). They also believe patient centricity is good for business — 93% said that a patient-focused strategy improves business outcomes. About 92% said a long-term focus is required to implement patient-centric missions,  but many of them acknowledged that more can be done.  So why is there a large gap between the importance of patient-centric and the efforts to achieve it?  It is partly because pharmaceutical companies are still learning what patient-centric means and what specifically needs to be done to achieve that goal.  While specifics will vary depending on the treatment and trial, here are three practical ways to improve patient-centric in clinical trials…SNIP”. -Zikria Syed, for MedCityNews.com, excerpted from the article, “3 ways to make clinical trials more patient-centricclick here to continue reading and or read the article in its entirety.