Study Scavenger Clinical Trial Platform

Medpace Study Phase 1 Single & Multiple Dose Trial of GV101 Granules for Safety & PK in Healthy & Obese Subjects in cincinnati, OH

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This trial involves a drug called GV101, which is being developed for the treatment of obesity. GV101 is an investigational drug. This means that it is not approved for the treatment of obesity in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or in any other country. This trial drug is therefore considered experimental. This trial is not the first time that GV101 is being given to humans.


Phase: I

Health Conditions: Healthy Volunteers Studies

Reference: # GBS-GV101

Sponsored by: Medpace Phase 1 Unit

Stipend: $0 – $4,550

Length of Study:  4 Weeks

Additional Qualifying Information / Important Inclusions or Exclusions: 

Gender: Both

Age: 18 – 70

Washout Period: 30 days Last Dosing Date to First Dosing

In-patient or stay overnight at the research center? Yes

Healthy adults 18-70 years old
No nicotine products in the past 6 months
No Rx meds (hormonal birth control is OK)
Must pass a urine drug & nicotine test & an alcohol breath test

Must be willing travel to Cincinnati, OH for screening & to stay in our Phase 1 unit for the study
Study requires 3 outpatient visits (includes screening) plus 1, 8-night consecutive stay.

Compensation is up to $4,550

Medpace Phase 1 Unit

5355 Medpace Way, Cincinnati, OH 452247, USA

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Study Scavenger Provides the Below Helpful Information

In-Patient/Out-Patient Explained

There are two main reasons clinical research trials are done in an isolated inpatient setting where the patient stays overnight at a research clinic: 1) To protect the study participant:   Some study agents, usually challenge products, can make some people quite sick.  Study participants stay on the inpatient unit to receive 24 hour nursing care during these types of studies. Participants stay on the isolation unit until their laboratory test show they are no longer shedding the infectious agent.  2) To protect the public:  An infectious study agent that is given to a study participant may be harmful to the general public’s health.  Therefore, study participants stay on the inpatient unit until the possibility of giving the infection to someone else has passed.

An outpatient vaccine trial is a study that does not require an overnight stay in the hospital or research clinic.  Participants are given an investigational agent and have scheduled clinic visits to monitor how well they tolerate the investigational agent. Most studies require the clinic staff to follow up with subjects on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.  Clinic visits can range from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the study and the type of visit.  –  National Institute of Health

Screening Visit

Screening Visit:  Potential candidates for a Study will participate in an initial screening visit to determine if they are appropriate for the Study.  When you first attend the screening visit for phases I-III, the study is explained in detail and you can ask any questions. If you decide to participate, the study nurse will review the informed consent form with you and ask for your signature and permission to proceed with the screening evaluations. –  –  National Institute of Health

Washout Period Explained

A period during a clinical trial when the trial subjects receive no active medication. The wash-out period is typically used to generate patient baseline data.   Every clinic has a washout period during which you are not allowed to do a study at the same clinic or any other clinic.

The minimum period is 30 days since last dose, however some washouts go based on last study procedure (such as out patient visits or how much blood you gave during the study).   The washout period may vary from study to study depending on the half-life of the drug. Certain studies like radio-labeled drugs will have a 1 year washout before you can do another radio-labeled drug.   In addition to the clinic’s washout policy, the sponsor may impose a longer washout period.  Some studies will have a longer washout before you can sign up.

In general, you can sign up and screen for another study during the washout period as long as the check in date is at least 30 days after your last dose in the previous study.  However, depending on how fast your body recovers from a study, you may want to wait the full period to avoid problems with screening.

People who screen too soon after a study typically have lower red blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocritand iron.  If these levels are too low, you could get banned from participating in studies because having low levels is unhealthy and unsafe for participating in a study.

Be forewarned that many clinic participate in the VCT (Verified Clinical Trials) program which tracks when you do a study to ensure the next study meets washout periods.  I do not mention these clinics because it shouldn’t matter.  You know the rules and if you break them, the consequences can be dire like being banned from a clinic.  Sometimes the only way to drive this message home is to allow people to find out the hard way. –  –  National Institute of Health