Single Research Site or CPU

Study Scavenger is the first free multi-lingual smartphone app for iphone to help potential research subjects find studies that meet their personal, health, financial and travel needs. Study Scavenger has partnered with to bring thousands of studies to motivated subjects. Study Scavenger is utilized for subject recruitment by hundreds of companies. Studies typically receive hundreds to thousands of view and actions per month.

Single Research Site Study Pricing:

Posting on Study Scavenger smart-phone app for iPhone, Study Scavenger website and website. Real time metrics to allow you to view number of views on each channel and actions taken ( i.e. views on your site’s website or calls your recruitment department).

Please Note: prices may change and that website may not reflect current pricing schedule

Once you decide to post your first study.  Simply Click on Research Site from the blue tool bar on and register as a research site user.  Then click onto Post Study Now.  Enter IRB approved Study information and press submit.  The study will go through a QA check and then be pushed live on all the distribution channels chosen that same day.  For any additional posting services, IRB approved banners, TCPa compliant text verbiage and internet posting must be supplied to Study Scavenger at