Improvements in the efficiency of clinical development is the highest priority for the innovative industry. And yet, costs associated with clinical trials, and delays in patient recruitment and retention, persist. Companies are continually on the look-out for ways of addressing these issues, and mHealth may be the answer. Digital technologies, and the integration of wearable health monitors with smartphones and apps, offer new opportunities for expediting product development. However, there are challenges with the widespread use of such technologies, which we discuss below.
The App for Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Trials: It has been reported that 27% of the cost of development of a medicinal product is associated with patient recruitment, and only 1 in 20 patients recruited provide results that can be included in a regulatory dossier. This highlights the extent of the challenge companies face. Certain apps claim to provide an effective means of tracking potentially eligible patients through capturing valuable data and improving patient recruitment. For example, Clinical Trial Seek, My Clinical Study Buddy, and Study Scavenger provide patients and physicians with the ability to search trial information. Similarly, apps such as Lilly’s Oncology Resource enables healthcare professionals to search clinical trials in the oncology field to aid referrals. –
Study Scavenger is the leading App for Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Trials. The Study Scavenger platform drives patient recruitment for clinical trials and offers a flat fee pricing option that covers: Study posting on Smartphone app for iPhone, Android, Study Scavenger website, JALR website, HelpCure America Website, TrialReach and Centerwatch.
As the leading App for Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Trials our digital marketing covers social media marketing including targeted ads, email blasts, text blasts, Facebook post boosts, while our pre qualification pre-screening process reduces site staff workload and banner ads may be added to supplement your study posting. Our platform is a robust patient recruitment engine utilizing multiple social media channels to drive motivated, interested potential research patients to our pre-qualification registration page. IRB approved Pre-qualification Process performed on line. Only patients who pass the study’s specific criteria have their information encrypted and encoded. An email is sent to your dedicated call center, recruitment department or CRCs. Learn more the leading App for Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Trials. Clicking here to register with the Study Scavenger platform.